Meet Apoorv Saxena

Big challenges, big solutions: How working at Shell Energy gives Apoorv Saxena the opportunity to achieve

Apoorv Saxena never says no to a challenge. Whether managing a complex project or exploring the New South Wales coastline in his Harley Davidson 883 Sportster, he’s not afraid to stretch beyond his comfort zone. There’s no better place for Apoorv’s vigour and expertise than as Head of Projects – Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) at Shell Energy, where he’s found the world’s biggest challenge – one he’s determined to see through.

Powering purpose

Though the work he does is multifaceted and always moving, Apoorv says it comes down to one thing.

“A head of projects is someone who solves problems. So, when things come to me, they’re a problem, and they leave me as solutions with clear action items and a clear path forward. It’s very rewarding for me because I love challenges, so I see each new problem as an opportunity to learn.”

As Head of Projects – BESS, Apoorv’s days are filled with managing work packages, monitoring his many projects and communicating with external stakeholders, developers and grid consultants to deliver solutions for customers to reduce their usage and costs. It’s a challenging job, but one that Apoorv is more than equipped to take on.

Growing up in India, Apoorv moved to Australia with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, and pursued a Master of Project Management and High Voltage Power at Sydney University. He took his expertise to techno-commercial businesses, multinational firms and government before deciding to change track in the pursuit of the renewable energy boom in 2015.

Apoorv joined a start-up, where he was the company’s first Australian project representative. He was tasked with setting up an entire network of systems and procedures from scratch, and building a project delivery team.

This cemented Apoorv’s passion for renewable energy and desire to be a leader in the global transition to net zero, joining Shell Energy in January 2022.

Driven to succeed

As Apoorv continues to make strides that will help to create a lower-carbon future, he’s most proud of how his team has contributed to Shell Energy’s long-term success.

“We’re definitely gearing up for a celebration. All the planning and effort we’re putting in now is ensuring those big outputs in the next 12-28 months, so we’re going to come out the other side as an innovator in the renewables space.”

With the exponential growth in renewable energy, Shell Energy allows Apoorv to do the innovative, high-impact work he loves.

“I’ve learned so much about myself and about the industry, and most of that learning has happened through small, everyday conversations with my team. I’ve become more open and honest about what I say and how I say it, and I know that has an impact beyond my career.”

Groundbreaking goals

A role at Shell Energy is hands-on.

“Your skills are recognised and there’s a lot of support, but this team is for people who want to make a change. People who aren’t worried about getting their hands dirty, getting on the ground with their team to move projects forward.”

Apoorv takes pride in supporting his team as they lead the change towards a lower-carbon future. It’s what matters most to him, and he can see how his work today will impact the world 20-30 years into the future.

“Shell Energy is a great space to be – watching our customers make the net-zero transition from the perspective of one of the world’s biggest energy companies is quite significant. I look forward to growing within the company and seeing our long-term goals come to fruition.”

Beyond his career, Apoorv hopes to keep travelling and adding to his collection of motorcycles. To wind down from his two-wheeled adventures, Apoorv is an avid reader. On his bedside table, you’ll generally find books on European history or the TV remote, so he can indulge in watching a cricket match, AFL game or a surprisingly intense badminton tournament.

Most importantly, Apoorv knows his career will be focused on helping customers get to net zero. Because the work he’s doing today is helping to energise tomorrow.

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