If you are a small business customer and have received an invoice with an estimated read, this may be due to meter readers being unable to gain access to your premises to provide us with an actual reading of your meter.
If you have received an invoice and consider it to be based on an inaccurate estimate, you can request an adjusted invoice by providing us with evidence of your own meter/s reading prior to the due date for payment of the invoice in question. If your provided meter reading meets our conditions described below, we will issue you with an adjusted bill based on the read you provide at no extra charge.
Please read and follow the instructions below carefully to ensure you supply acceptable information to enable us to adjust your invoice. Please ensure the process below is followed for all meters associated with the invoice.
This applies to meters of small customers that are manually read such as basic meters (accumulation meters).
This process is not applicable to Manually Read Interval Meters (MRIMs) or Smart Meters in Victoria. These meters are electronic meters that record how much electricity is used every 30 minutes.
Please ensure you contact us with your estimate prior to the due date of the invoice in question. Photos of the meter must be provided to us, so that the read can be validated.
It’s important that the following details are included in the photo:
Send your photos to your account manager or service@shellenergy.nousuat.com.au together with your account number and invoice number.
Once your photos have been received, we will review the information you have provided in association with your invoice and will contact you in writing of our decision to accept or reject your request for an invoice adjustment.
If your request is rejected and you disagree with our decision, you can follow the disputes handling process that can be found on our website here.
If your request is accepted, we will advise you in writing via email and a new invoice will be issued with a new due date.
We also request you permanently resolve any ongoing access issues that may lead to meter reads being estimated in the future and to advise us once this has been completed.