Australia’s environmental certificate schemes can be challenging to navigate. Shell Energy can help.
A range of Australian Federal and State government schemes are available, providing businesses with financial incentives to invest in energy savings projects. If your business is a large user of electricity, gas, or a mixture of both, our energy experts are uniquely positioned to assist you to understand and navigate these schemes and help you find ways to offset the costs of implementing energy projects.
Our energy engineers are trained in best practice energy measurement and verification methodology (International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol).
We can provide you with insights on each of the certificate markets and assist you to maximise value across the different schemes, including providing certificate creation services for many of the available schemes.
For some schemes, energy savings or abatement must be independently measured and then subject to an independent audit.
It is important to have an energy expert onboard early to ensure you comply with any scheme requirements, such as measuring your energy baseline before you start your project.
Program: Energy Saving Scheme (ESS)
Jurisdiction: NSW
Scheme Administrator, and Scheme Regulator: Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART)
Applications: Electricity Lighting Upgrades, HVAC Chiller Upgrades, BMS Upgrades, Chiller Software, Compressed Air upgrades, Motors and Drives (VSDs etc.), EC Fans, Water Pumping, Industrial Refrigeration
Natural & gas Boiler / Oven / Furnace upgrades, Oxygen trim, Heat Exchangers, Combustion improvement, Steam Traps/condensate recovery, Improved Burner Technology, Heat Reclaim to Steam System, Repair/Upgrade Insulation on Steam / Condensate Systems
Program: Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU)
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Scheme Administrator, and Scheme Regulator: Essential Services Committee (ESC)
Program: Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)
Jurisdiction: National all states
Administering Body: Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) administered by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER)
Program: Large-scale Renewable Energy Target
Jurisdiction: National
Administering Body: Clean Energy Regulator (CER)
Applications: Large Solar and Renewable power station generation (>100kW).
Program: Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme
Applications: Solar systems below 99.9kW and eligible Domestic Hot Water (DHW) systems, including Thermal Solar and Heat Pumps
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Or, you can call us on 13 23 76 during Australian business hours.
A member of our team will be in touch soon. You can also call us during business hours on 13 23 76.