Customer Support
Meters & Connections
Billing & Support
Energy Plans & Pricing
Shell Energy Portal
Energy Solutions
Connections and disconnections
In the event of an existing connection, Shell Energy will request your distributor to energise and provide customer connection of the premises as soon as practicable after the formation of a relevant contract between yourself and Shell Energy in accordance with Rule 79 of the National Energy Retail Rules. For more information view our energisation and re-energisation timeframes page.
For Small Business customers in any state (excluding Victoria) download and complete a Meter Exchange Request Form and submit to your account manager.
To abolish a site or arrange for meter to be removed, please download and complete the Small Market Abolishment Request Form and forward to your account manager or email
To disconnect a site, please contact your account manager, call 13 23 76 or email
To roll-out a site please contact your account manager, call 13 23 76 or email
To arrange a connect to a new site, a new connection/NMI is required and a new meter must be installed. Please speak with your electrician or visit your local network distributors website to ensure any preliminary forms are prepared. You can download and complete the New Connection/Greenfield Form.
Large business customers can roll-in a new site to an existing account/contract by logging into the Portal and using Site Manager. To register for access to the Portal, contact your account manager or click here.
Small business customers can roll-in a new site by contacting their account manager and completing an Addition of Site form.
To exchange, upgrade or alter your meter contact your account manager to discuss your request and confirm the necessary requirements.
Meter reads
Shell Energy does not read your meter. Your network provider is responsible for reading the meter at your site. If you are a small business and would like more information about meter reads, please click here.
To determine if your bill is based on an estimated or actual read, refer to the 3rd page of your invoice – the details section will include the read quality.
You must provide safe and unhindered access to your premise for the purpose of obtaining a meter read. If access is not available an estimated read will be taken.
Access meter data
Our Portal is available 24 hours, 7 days a week should you wish to view and download your metering data. If you would prefer to raise a request for metering data to be sent to you, the Customer Data Request & NEM12 Data Guide will assist you.
Your metering data may be requested by completing the Meter Data Request Form and returning it via email to
Your metering data may be requested by completing the below form and returning it via email to
Download Metering Data Request Form
Small business customers can request meter data via email or by contacting their account manager.
If you are a Broker, please include the Letter of Authority from the customer or log into the Portal to access meter data. For access to the Portal, register here or contact your account manager.
Yes. If you are an electricity customer you can access raw meter data by clicking on the ‘Usage’ button at the top and scrolling to ‘Raw Meter Data Extract’.
For Shell Energy Australia account help, billing enquiries and customer support, get in touch today.